
Many of you know what is means to want something or someone you can’t have. There are many, ( especially religious people) who will deny this with the following statement: “have faith in God and He will answer your prayers.” I wonder if they had their prayers answered all the time. God is real for me too, however I do not believe that He wants to answer all prayers. This is so true for all the wars, the natural disasters, crime and accidents that happen every where in this world. How is that explained? Do we have faith just for the purpose of getting a feeling comfort and satisfaction with ourselves or is it just false hope?

Often times I wonder if I want too much out of this life, but then I quickly regroup my thoughts on that matter. I believe that I deserve everything I want  to accomplish in my life. I actually think that everyone deserves that too. Or will life be boring if everyone got what they wanted and were content? Many times this is heard: ” Oh this world would be such a boring place if it was perfect.” I do dislike this statement, it leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. If our lives would be perfect, it would mean that our emotions would be perfect too. In our present state, it is impossible for us to understand the fact. I believe I will be a millionaire some day. Yes I have said it, because I can write everything I think or feel in this my precious diary.

I do believe and pray that all of my aspirations will come into realization one day and I will look back and read about this. Until this point in my life everything around me is so chaotic, not knowing what will follow next. I just have to keep living in this little world that have created in my mind; the ideal life I want. As i have read in many books, religious and non-religious, the energy that is flowing from my thoughts will eventually come into existence. So my suggestion to myself is to keep on developing this little world more and more and spend some time in it each day.

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Stories and Poems

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Surprise and Change

Did u ever surprise ur self
I mean for three years or longer
Did u ever say:…me never,
That’s not me!
And than u surprise ur self.
Did u ever change
 In less time than a minute
U say: that’s not me, but I care for someone!
Now ur thinking that wasn’t me but I cared
So I changed for someone’s sake!
 Do u regret having surprised ur self
for someone u cared about
Do u regret having changed
for someone who made u care helplessly
When ur own surprise has turned against u
and when change has left u unchanged.
Author: M. Amelo


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There is nothing more wonderful than you
I know, I’ve never told you so
You don’t know that your excellent
I know, I’ve never said it
Maybe I did not trust you enough with my words
Maybe I was scared that you would laugh at me
Maybe I was * scared that you did not love me as I love you
Just maybe…
But now you’re gone
And I’m left behind with my words
Every night I try to sleep without success
Maybe if I told you, you would be here.
Author: Maureen E. Amelo


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Thankyou for the Good Times

Just like the sunrise, love appeared on my horizon
Take a look at it, even if you don’t know
Just take a look at the sunrise and you’ll know
You’ll know the peace of my love
Sad to say, I could not control nature
The Creator  created the sunrise
There is nothing more graceful than…
But it didn’t last.
While staring at the horizon, my refuge and strenght
My inner self reminded me …
Maureen, dawn is comming… very soon
But how could my fragile heart turn from looking at the horizon
Than sunset came
it’s rays warmth my skin and it’s breeze cooled my deepest desires
I touched the sunset, I embrazed it
I’d never felt peace like this before
But then dawn came
I had to let go off the sunset
I had to miss it’s sweet embrase and it’s indescribable touch
I cried out to God….
Have mercy on me, for Mercy said no…
Please don’t let me go
Sad to say, The Creator created the sunset
I have lost,but then I’ve been blessed.
Maureen Amelo

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Life is Unfair a flower once told me

I wish I’d never met the humble flower
I had travelled to a flower field
flowers there were
like I’d never seen before
Instead I looked unto the sky
Clouds there were
For I’d always admired the sky
As instantly as I looked unto the sky
I looked back at the field
For there it stood, as humble as it could
A  flower, as humble as it could be
When I drew nigh, and touched its pettles
I felt the sweetest sensation ever hoped for
And humble  it was,
It touched my soul more than I could ever imagine
I cried for God to save from his touch
However, it rooted itself deep within my soul
I tried pulling it out off my heart, but could not,
For this flower was too strong, I knew it would hurt,
 for its love felt too perfect
I then rested the flower in my soul
Istantly my soul felt the fiery flames of hell
My soul is burning and crying
Rescue me, I’m dying
Then I remembered, the humble,  flower
I looked down at it and my soul left me
No sound, no scent, no coldness, no warmth
Just nothing
The flower, Once my Humble,  flower
It had become a selfish, flower
Oh how it scared me, for I feared that flower
It hurts, for my soul has left
Now, I’m standing in the midst of a flower field
I can’t move for my soul has left
Now, I hate flowers, but admire the sky
Yet, I can’t look upwards for my soul had left me cold.
Author: M. Amelo

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